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The [Ke-no-shiru] is the famous local gourmet from the Tsugaru area in Aomori throughout the neighbouring prefecture, Akita. The [Ke-no-shiru] is a local dish which contains the root vegetables, such as a white radish, a carrot and a burdock. The recommended gourmet restaurant where you can have Ke-no-shiru is [Oshokujidokoro Osanai]

At this restaurant which is located in a short walking distance from the Aomori station, you can enjoy the superb Ke-no-shiru. Also, [Ke-no-shiru-ramen] which is the mixture of Ke-no-shiru and ramen is exquisite. When you visit Aomori, please don’t miss the Ke-no-shiru with lots of vegetables at this restaurant!/p>

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